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CTD using Load Door


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I am making a mod that has three cells, I am using coc to get to the first cell for testing and everything was working fine including the load doors connecting the three cells.


I have been cluttering the cells and now I have discovered a problem with all my load doors. They all work fine the first time I use them, but a second use causes a CTD. This happens with all the load doors, I am using norDoorsmLoad02. I have deleted all load doors and replaced them and the door markers with new one but still get the same problem.


Anyone have any thoughts on what might be causing this problem and any ideas as to how to solve it?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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This seems to be a Skyrim patch 1.5 issue. CTDs are happening not only with mods but also vanilla cells when using doors or fast travelling.


From what I have seen on the forums it appears to be a navmesh issue. You may find that playing around with your navmesh in each of your cells may assist.

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