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Sheogorath: Ta, Come visit again, or I'll pluck out yer eyes!!!


Dyus:(I can't quite remember how he says this one exactly) When you're like me you have come to understand that time and space are merely human perceptions, and shall never bother you, But you will never understand and so I shall not bother explaining.


Adoring Fan: By Azura, By Azura, By Azura! *shudders*


The Elderly Woman at summitmist manor(can't remember her name): (She says this when she is the only person left in the manor and doesn't know that you're the killer) We're the only one's left! We've got to get out of h - Urk!(arrowhead protrudes out of the back of her head)


Nels The Naughty: You know how I got my name? Hu hu hu hu...

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Theres one oerc in CheydenHall ( I think) anyways, when you try to talk to him, he sais something like


" Oh stop botherting me, I don't have time! "


And if you keep doing something ( Rumors topic I think) he sais somethign like this,


" Bzzt, Bzzt, I can't hear you, you're just a bee buzzing in my ear!"


I swear I don't lie!



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"Buzz, buzz, buzz... Go away, little fly."

- Dulfish gro-Ogum


"Farewell, my friend. May your blade always strike true. And first. Hee hee"

- Blue Team Gladiator


"I am SICK of Orcs coming in here and giving me the business. OOOOHH, Bugak got books! OOOOHH, Bugak's a sissy scroll scribbler"

- Bugak gro-Bol


"Have you seen all the rats around here? Its making me crazy! First this guy decides he's gonna make a million, opens a fancy restaurant: Rats in a Cream Sauce, Rat Flambe, Rat Necrom with Bonemeal Gravy, Deep-Fried Rat, Lemon Rat and Wild Rice, Rat Ragu with Powdered Deer P**is! Of course, when the guards found out, they ran his sorry butt out of town, but they left the rats. Rats!"

- Weebam-Na


"Urbul gro-Orkulg knows you NEED axes and blunt weapons. BIG ones. So, he makes them and sells them here... Slash 'N Smash, the BIG Orc Weapon Shop. BIG weapons. For BIG heroes."

- Urbul gro-Orkulg


"You want light armor? Pah! Why wear fluffy flutter when you can wear REAL armor? But if you MUST have light armor, talk to Maro Rufus. Idiot."

- Varnado

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i like big head's teachings:D

"posion is potion spelled wrong"

Funny thing is, he's telling the truth.


Pronunciation: \ˈpȯi-zən\

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin
drink — more at

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“ the city is a beautiful place…so full of the gullible and stupid”

shade said it after i downloaded the Oblivion Sound Sets mod (Safana sound set)

her voice was like i envisioned it when i was thinking of her personality.


the mod can be found here


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Some funny ones.


"I am Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak. How may I persist you?"

"The will-o-the-wisp is a luminous being. It has naturalized residences to many types of spells."

"I am resident to encounter the minotaur. Its horny protuberants cause me great conflagrations."

"Trolls, I have been foretold, are particular to unflammable weapons."

"Though I am replicant to spread rumors, I am led to believe the philogy of skeletous beings makes them resistive to magic."

(On the subject of Ogres) "Horrible creatures! Replete with horror and evil. They roam freely eastward of the estate. I look forward to you exterminizing them."

(When you ask him about his missing daughter) "I fear that whilst out rock-picking, she was apprehensive. Stolen away! My suspension is that ogres have abjected her!"

"Precedeth most urgentlike."

(When you complete the quest and receive his sword) "You found my belabored daughter! I will tell Burz gro-Khash about your indentures! Take this. It has been passed in my family for many generators."

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