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[LE] Mesh doesn't see Alpha channel

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If the mesh doesn't have alpha channel in it's texture by default (nord plate armor for example), it will not see alpha even if you add it. It's clearly somewhere in the mesh properties, cause when I apply the same texture to the other mesh - alpha is working. I wonder if I could change it in NifScope

Edited by HermaeusPriest
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Yes, you need to add a NiAlphaProperty to the NitriShape of the mesh in question, it should be by the side of the Bslightingshaderproperty on a mesh with transperency, you can copy it or a add a new one (right-click NitriShape – Node>Attach Property>NiAlphaProperty)

Edited by FrankFamily
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Asuming the ck is properly pointing to the new asset in the armor addon form, double check that there is a bslightingshaderproperty and it's good and could also be a wrong body partition assigned, that's within the bsdismember node, compare it with an equivalent mesh. Those are the two reasons I can think of for a part of a mesh being invisible.

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