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Crash near 188


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Agree the problem is the cell the 188 Trading Post is located in. Not clear what you think "refreshing" the cell will accomplish, because that only causes respawning of objects. Even if you were to go to some other cell location (such as the "Developer test room": console command "coc DevArmory"), wait 3 days (or whatever your cell respawn period is set to; 3 days is the default), and then use the console command "pcb" to purge all unused Cell Buffers, then when you travel back there it will reload the cell from scratch.


But if the problem is the result of a mod conflict, it will still CTD. In which case "mod isolation" is the only way to pin down which mod is causing the conflict if there are no indicators in log files. Or you can go back to the recommended approach of installing and testing mods one at a time. Suggest you create a new "profile" and start a new game just for the purpose of testing.



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Found and fixed. One of my merged plugins was apparently causing the issue. For anyone else, apparently FCO objects violently when you merge it's compatibility patches for Saxxon's Quest Collection, Russell, Beyond Boulder Dome, and it's NPC Edits entry together.

Edited by Ragnarok101
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Not surprising. You aren't supposed to merge "compatibility patches" together at all, because their whole purpose is to make two (or more) other plugins work together by resolving record level conflicts. You should only be merging "non-conflicting" plugins or patches that only affect a single "master". Please see the wiki "Merged Plugin Guidelines for Personal Use" article.


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Not surprising. You aren't supposed to merge "compatibility patches" together at all, because their whole purpose is to make two (or more) other plugins work together by resolving record level conflicts. You should only be merging "non-conflicting" plugins or patches that only affect a single "master". Please see the wiki "Merged Plugin Guidelines for Personal Use" article.



Found a merged version of the More Perks mod via NVEC, so my load order is saved from having to reinstall. Sorry to bother you.

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