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Edits not taking in-game


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I downloaded the fantastic Mihail's imp mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13635/) and I love it but I do find Imps with over 700 health is a little ridiculous, so I sought to change that myself. I opened up the creation kit and changed their health and perks to something more to my liking and saved my changes to the esp (the original one, I tried making a new one but I just ended up with more imps: some new and some old). I boot up the game and lo and behold the imps are just as tanky as ever and even have all the old perks I changed, almost as if I didn't spend an hour editing them. I have this file at the bottom of the list and I have used sseedit to remove ITM's and undelete and disable references to no avail. What crucial step have I forgone here, any ideas on why my changes aren't doing anything in game?

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I downloaded the fantastic Mihail's imp mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13635/) and I love it but I do find Imps with over 700 health is a little ridiculous, so I sought to change that myself. I opened up the creation kit and changed their health and perks to something more to my liking and saved my changes to the esp (the original one, I tried making a new one but I just ended up with more imps: some new and some old). I boot up the game and lo and behold the imps are just as tanky as ever and even have all the old perks I changed, almost as if I didn't spend an hour editing them. I have this file at the bottom of the list and I have used sseedit to remove ITM's and undelete and disable references to no avail. What crucial step have I forgone here, any ideas on why my changes aren't doing anything in game?


If your save already had the mod loaded some changes may not take effect ever. Notably any scripts that are instantiated, any global values and such will be retained from pre-editing. If any actors (I'm assuming the imps are actors) are already spawned, they will have whatever parameters they had when they spawned. Only new spawns will have your changes.

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