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Patch is out


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I must be different then cause my game works with newest patch with 100+ mods perfectly. Or maybe it's because I know what I'm doing? no?



I mean no offense to you, but patches are ok - point is which mods fit with the newest update - really no offense :)


You must be one of the lucky ones, i have a mid-high end computer and the new patch still giving me problems. I was problem free from day1 to 1.4 then 1.5 patch hit boom i'm getting shitted on with infinite loading screen, random crashes, unable to load files and the list goes on.

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I must be different then cause my game works with newest patch with 100+ mods perfectly. Or maybe it's because I know what I'm doing? no?



I mean no offense to you, but patches are ok - point is which mods fit with the newest update - really no offense :)


You must be one of the lucky ones, i have a mid-high end computer and the new patch still giving me problems. I was problem free from day1 to 1.4 then 1.5 patch hit boom i'm getting shitted on with infinite loading screen, random crashes, unable to load files and the list goes on.

Actually, many folks have found that allowing the game to set vid options most especially ENB/FXAA options causes issues. I can run them on mine with no issues, but I have an older vid, so that I can't run everything at max capacity anyway. A good friend is running an ATI card and MUST force the ATI drivers to handle the options instead of using the options that the launcher gives you.


There are all sorts of messages regarding Vid card setups, and a wide variety of ways to get around the frequent CTD's generated by the higher end systems and not interfacing directly with the game's settings.


Higher level graphics means you are pushing the hardware limits, and that also means pushing the driver limits. Any other program running in background can steal the control away from you while in game, things like having chat programs running, steam itself with the options set to allow interaction with your friends while you are playing etc..


Skyrim uses a LOT of resources to give the quality that it can give. Running it standalone would allow your PC to handle anything Skyrim asks of it, other than possible driver issues with whatever vid card you have, and available ram etc...


I had very frequent CTD's with original release as the game recognized my card as being able to run it at max settings. However, when I dropped the vid settings a notch I had no more issues.


No company can match everyone Else's pc configuration. They target for a specific range, give min requirements and typically test on at least one higher end box. But even with that, they can NOT control your installation, what else is running in mem, how your vid settings are controlled by your specific vid card driver etc.


Bethesda seems to be answering correct bug reports with whatever fixes that they can give. They are patching frequently, VERY frequently by normal standards. However, they can only address a specific bug report that has full information. What vid card, what the memory dumps were, what else is running, etc, and they can not afford to test someone's "modded" game.


Bethesda has the beta's available for testing, and actually specifically requests feedback. But a single forum post or any multitude of forum posts stating there is a problem won't be addressed unless they have the full bug report that they require. Most especially when those posts are not located directly on their forums but here, or elsewhere.


Skyrim is obviously not perfect, as perfect is actually subjective to the individual. It does have bugs that Bethesda continues to address while at the same time they are working on the next big addition to Skyrim or whatever other stuff they are doing. They are also working on fixing the various issues with the CK. The SAME CK they used to create Skyrim. I must admit, they accomplished a hell of a lot with that CK, considering the issues we currently face with it. However, I am patiently waiting for a bug fixed CK to address the most major of those bugs, whatever they might be.


P.S. @shinanju92 or anyone else, I am NOT slamming anyone here or implying anything at all regarding you/your posts or issues. I am just giving very general feedback. I have worked with another game company, and performed very restrictive QA testing according to that companies requirements, including logging directly into their bug tracking software and posting the various bugs that I found. I have QA tested various cc mods for other games as well. I have tested with low end and upper end pc's and found DIFFERENT bugs for each. The combinations that a person can run into are enormous.


Skyrim pushes the boundaries on what is possible with a pc game, right to the limits of various hardware/software combinations, yet it STILL runs on so called lower end boxes. That is one huge accomplishment.

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"Skyrim pushes the boundaries on what is possible with a pc game, right to the limits of various hardware/software combinations, yet it STILL runs on so called lower end boxes. That is one huge accomplishment. "


This is true.


My rig up until last week:


Intel 6320 with dual core 1.8GHZ processor. 2 Gigs RAM, 350w Power supply and an old Nvidia 8800GT video card. Would you believe, I was playing on 1920 x 1080 resolution with mostly high settings. AA off, of course and shadows set to medium. I can say that the game ran really well considering the specs. I would get high 50's-60fps in dungeons and 35ish in Whiterun. That would drop to 25fps in Riften, but that was acceptable.


Last week, the vid card decided "enough is enough" and died.


Presently, I am running the same system except that I have dropped in a Corsair 550W PSU and an Nvidia GTX560 (1G). I use Game Booster to close all unnecessary background processes and the game runs superbly.


I really don't understand how the high end systems could be causing people so much heart ache except to guess that they have been a little careless installing mods.

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I'm just wiping it clean and re-installing from archive - and more importantly finally getting around to turning their auto-update feature off, it's simply more trouble than it's worth.


Good Luck. No matter how often i deactivate the auto update function it gets reactivated at every start of the game,

not matter which start method (skse, vanilla) i use. Isn't it so, that in the US you can shoot a trespasser into your house?

Whatever happened to that?

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I'm just wiping it clean and re-installing from archive - and more importantly finally getting around to turning their auto-update feature off, it's simply more trouble than it's worth.


Good Luck. No matter how often i deactivate the auto update function it gets reactivated at every start of the game,

not matter which start method (skse, vanilla) i use. Isn't it so, that in the US you can shoot a trespasser into your house?

Whatever happened to that?


Run Steam in offline mode. It works for me and I'm still running v 1.4.27

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