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The Tribunal


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From, Morrowind, Correct?

If possible it'd be nice to have a three quest set, one from each God, All have a way to get to their temple.

Sotha Sil, in the clockwork city (Book's to teleport to them temple, ect)

After each of their quest's is completed you get rewarded with a item: "Vivec's Sword, clockwork armor(Sotha Sil), Alamexias crow,ect".

After all three quests are complete, a final quest is done, with a main reward, ect.

Voice's could possibly be imported from Morrowind, or redone completely.

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It's not? Why not? It's not breaking copyright because its made by the same company.

Plus, In Morrowinds lore, sotha sil was part Chinmer, part dunmer, the chinmer where a wiped out race leading to that he could have only been around since the 1st Era.

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It's not? Why not? It's not breaking copyright because its made by the same company.


Bethesda doesn't allow it, that's why. They have said time and time again that porting content between their games is not allowed. It's still a violation of their terms - as you do not have the right to copy the contents of one game (Morrowind) to another (Skyrim). If you don't believe me, go and ask on the official forums - you'll be told the same thing.


Plus, In Morrowinds lore, sotha sil was part Chinmer, part dunmer, the chinmer where a wiped out race leading to that he could have only been around since the 1st Era.


The Chimer were changed into the Dunmer, not really wiped out, the fact Sotha Sil was still Chimer in appearance was due to his 'divinity' from the heart of Lorkhan - Same as Almalexia and Vivec (who appears 'twin-toned').

That same heart you destroy during the Main Quest in Morrowind - depriving them of the source of their divine powers, which slowly fade in time, and which leaves them mortal once more.


At the climax of the War of the First Council, the Chimer received their name as they were transformed into the ashen-skinned Dunmer. Most Dunmer attribute this to the curse of Azura. The curse of Azura was a curse in which it is believed Azura thought (and was probably correct) that the Tribunal had killed Indoril Nerevar during a ritual to summon Azura to ask the Daedra what they should do next. Azura appeared anyway (Nerevar now dead) and was furious with Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec for having killed the war-hero. She cursed them by turning their eyes "as red as the volcano lava" and their skin "as black as their hearts". Now that all the Chimer had been changed into Dunmer, Azura told them they were cursed (as well as another sort of threat) and the Tribunal laughed at the Daedric Prince. They took the Heart of Lorkhan and ascended to god-hood.


Taken from: Lore:Chimer


During the Tribunal Expansion: You find out that Sotha Sil is dead, You Kill Almalexia yourself near the end of the expansion, and it is thought that Vivec was taken from his city by the Daedra during the Oblivion Crisis.


With all three dead or missing - there is no Almsivi tribunal.




Lore:Sotha Sil

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