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It's easy.


When you make a door (Can be nearly any object, It's in the settings when you double click the object in the render window), you are asked to choose where the door will lead to. Just go to the same cell and put the new door-teleport-marker-thingy where the ladder leads to. Problem solved :3

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"Meh. Couldn't you just make the ladder a door, but link it so that it takes up to where the ladder ends? No cell-changing or anything" I'l have to look into this, I haven't seen this in Skyrim, anyone know whee an example would be in the game?



I dunno where an example exists in game but I made one for a mod. I had a big watchtower that was proving impossible to stair/ramp up to so I simply put a trapdoor at the top and a long ladder with a trapdoor underneath the top floor, linked them together and "hey presto" you travel from ground to tower top.

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