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Reinstall Doesn't Work


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Everytime I want to play skyrim, the game doesn't let me. the first time I've gotten this problem was when I stopped playing it after a while, when I came back to play it, the game crashes during load, when I deleted everything and reinstalled again, the game still does this. the second time I got an error message saying that something was missing and that the game would cause errors, when I clicked OK, the game just froze in the main title screen. now the third time I reinstalled it, [today] I tried playing but I don't even get a main menu just a black screen and nothing. I tried everything. please help me. its like I don't have skyrim anymore.


EDIT: I've tried playing again, the game screen came on but I got this:[WEtriggerscript(<01099883>)WARNING:onI()MyHoldLocation Has not been set, this will result in errors. I get three of these, except with different codes:

0103D13EA then 01099887. the same thing that happen with the second try of the reinstall. please help me.

Edited by sikma200
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Go to Steam, find Skyrim in your Library, right click it, and search around in that menu until you find "Verify Integrity of Game Cache". Click that.

I don't know if this'll work, but it's worth a try.

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Go to Steam, find Skyrim in your Library, right click it, and search around in that menu until you find "Verify Integrity of Game Cache". Click that.

I don't know if this'll work, but it's worth a try.


a lot of people told me that when I get a game that crashes a lot, but it never works.

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If any of you are still experiencing a CTD or WETriggerScript error when loading a game after you do any of the following:

  • Change Load order via NMM
  • Check/Un-Check an .esp/.esm via NMM
  • Add/Remove a mod with a plugin (.esm/esp) via NMM

Nexus Mod Manager my be corrupting a file called "plugins.txt" by adding additional entries to it like "syrim.esm," and "Skyrim.esm." The file is located here: C:\Users\"user name"\AppData\Local\Skyrim (hidden file/folder). Keep in mind it will re-corrupt this file every time you make one of the changes listed above with NMM.


Visit this bug report and try some of the Moderator's suggestions. If you have experienced this issue with recent versions of NMM, please click "Confirm" While you are there. Good Luck.

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