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Aspiring Female Voice Actors


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Pinewood Village


Over the last two weeks since I have uploaded the mod there has been an amazing amount of responses for voice acting for the villagers and it has been possible to fill all of the male parts and could I not be happier with the results. Not only are these guys doing a fantastic job with the voices, but they are coming up with all of the dialogue themselves, which I have found I am hopeless with. I have even managed to find a guy that can sing really well and is recording the songs better than the voice actors for Skyrim itself.


What more could I ask for right?!?


Well I even though I have had contact with the short supply of female players they do not seem to be to eager to actually send their lovely voices along.

So I am seeking any and all females that would like to get their voices heard in a (soon to be with your help) amazing new village mod.


If this sounds like you or like something you'd like to try then please let me know. You can reply here but I use [email protected] mostly.


If I can fill the female characters over the next two weeks then I'm happily on my way to questing the village.

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I don't have access to my email right now, but once I do, I wouldn't mind sending you an older demo of my voice acting. I use a blue-yeti mic, so the sound quality is at least pretty good. :)


If you have access to the internet at home you could always open a Dropbox account and share a folder with me if email is out of the question!

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