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Esbern Stalker and Pixelated (w/ Screen-Shots)


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Hey as the title says I have a few problems with Skyrim. I hadn't played in over a month and I just fired it up again to find that the game was glitching on me. Badly. It never did this before so I assume it has something to do with an update between now and then. I tried to include a lot of screen-shots and detailed descriptions to help have this glitched be identified.


The first thing I noticed was that the floor to the market-place in Windhelm was screwed up.


http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/3804/gratefloor.th.jpg http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/1950/marketplace.th.jpg


As I started to walk around hoping the glitch would work itself out or something (ya right), I noticed the floor would fill in behind me as I walked. It eventually would go back to a glitchy state, however.




Even when it snowed the faint outlines of the glitch could be seen.




Although this glitch only seemed to appear in the Windhelm market, another one that occurred Skyrim-wide was a pixelazation of the world. I noticed it showed up most often near fire or lanterns.


http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/7803/lampr.th.jpg http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/1421/firecd.th.jpg


The pixel glitch, however, also effected the world in general and not solely light sources. The map was really screwed up for example along with things such as random parts of the world such as the mountains in the second picture here.


http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/7592/pixelmap.th.jpg http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/8676/pixelmountain.th.jpg


Finally, I noticed a third glitch when I used fast travel hoping the first two would go away. When I did this I was attacked by a Falmer in the middle of Windhelm when I arrived there. (This only happened once.) I also saw Esbern who now pops up at EVERY fast travel location I go to and says the same line about Delphine being worried about me.






I hope that someone can help me in solving these glitches. I just want to be able to enjoy the game again. Not sure if they are related or totally separate but I would really like to fix them ASAP.


I should mention I installed SKSE when I was playing the game over a month ago and updated it today. The only mod I used was SkyUI but I couldn't find an update for it. If these are the problems could someone just tell me how to remove both and restore the Skyrim files (I can always re-install them later)


Again any help is greatly appreciated, especially a quick response.


Thanks! -Newport95

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Esbern is still following me so I'm not sure if that's a glitch or just part of the game.



Piggybacking on your topic since recently, Esbern has been showing up every time I fast travel as well. It's been getting quite annoying, and I'm hoping it doesn't mess up the main quest line somewhere in the future. I tried searching on google about the Esbern fast travel stalker problem, but I haven't found much on the issue or a solution...

Edited by Duffman3005
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