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Need help editing the storage and key bindings of the vehicle mod More Advanced J3XMotorcycle


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Im trying to change a few things about the mod More Advanced J3XMotorcycle with no success and not for lack of trying i've combed through it with fnvedit and NVSE GECK and my changes should of fixed my issues but nothing changes

the storage limit

i've been trying to increase this by changing the strength value of the NPC attached to the motorcycle through fnvedit which helped but it wasn't enough and then i tried useing coc to warp to the cell the storage npc was stored in (J3XMotorcycleRoom) so i could add carry capacity but it was invisible and i couldnt select it with the console to add carry weight.


the key binding

by default is E but i want it on F so looking in global in fnvedit shows an entry called zGJ3XMotorcycleKeyDismount [GLOB:4701CE0D] with a value of 18 which corresponds to the E key for DirectX Scancodes so i changed it to 33 for F but still the dismount key is E.

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