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Yet another custom follower issue topic


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I'm completely stumped. I've been trying my hardest to add even one custom NPC to the game, both using vanilla races and custom races.


So, the first part of my problem regarding vanilla NPCs: I have successfully created a follower NPC, evading the gray face bug, and everything works great...except for one major issue. The textures on the character's face are glitched really badly. Changing any of the face textures like make-up or facepaint doesn't work - it just adds a big red splotch to their forehead. I chalked this up to a goof of the editor until I saw that it occurred in-game too. So basically, adjusting any face textures except skin color is impossible. I've tried using the Skyrim NPC Editor program but that doesn't seem to fix it.


The second part of my problem that is much more severe: I am simply completely unable to add an NPC who is of a custom race. The race in particular is the Oriental/Ashen race. I'm fairly certain that the issue is that the race uses its own face and body textures rather than the shared vanilla ones. One time, I managed to get the NPC to spawn, sans all of its skin, but I don't know how.


Any help at all would be very appreciated.

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