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Small Project for World-Builder


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I have a pretty big mod. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=1040 I spend a lot of time working on it. It has hundreds of items and over 1000 CK entries. I have a lot of plans to continue updating and modifying this mod. But I don't have time to do everything.


What I am looking for: Someone who can do a remodel of the archmage quarters to include all of the crafting stations needed of this mod including three new ones. I have a few basic requirements. Beyond that you would be able to do as little or as much as you want.

1.) It need sto include the new crafting stations.

2.) It needs to include all of the standard crafting stations.

3.) It needs to include a mercant that will sell a few magic items and some of the crafting supplies unique to this mod.


What I can offer you: New items and exposure. New robes, new armor, new boots, new gloves, new cloaks, new accessories and a few odds and ends that can be used as you like (mostly). The Art of Magicka mod has over 1200 endorsements, over 60k unique downloads and over 200k total downloads. It hovers around 80 on the top 100 all-time for Skyrim and is at number 8 on the adult-only list. There are a lot of people who download every update and have followed this mod for months. There are mods with more of all of these things, but the numbers aren't important. Basically, I'm trying to sell you on the idea of having a lot of people download your mod.


There are two ways this could go, and it is up to you. One, you could list the mod yourself on your own, benefit from a short boost of popularity from being a new mod and recieve all of the credit you deserve. I will use your mod, suggest it to others and post a link to it at the very top of my file description. Two, you can upload it to The Art of Magicka file and be credited as a co-author along with my mesh-editor (Kalell) and I. The second will probably net you more downloads in the long run but the first will give you the credit that you deserve. It's up to you.



If you're still reading, good. Here's a few ideas I had while brainstorming. This is all up in the air, these are just ideas.


1.) Main room - A revamp of the archmage quarters to be more of a study/meeting room

*alchemy lab

*enchanting table

*3 magicka fonts used to craft new items specific to the Art of Magicka mod


*remove bed and reorganize other stuff

*3 internal doors to new rooms


2.) door 1 = bedroom

*bed, desk, whatever


3.) door 2 = Patio



*tanning rack


4.) Door 3 kitchen


*tables and chairs



All of the rooms should be part of the same area so there is no need to load when traveling from one crafting station to the next. That's it. These are just ideas. Again, please feel free to do whatever you want as long as my minimum requirements are met. If there is anybody kind enough and interested enough to take up this small project, please post here or send me a PM. I check the nexus regularly.

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Hmmmmm.... I think we can work something out :)


Im not sure now what you want. A new seperate archmage quaters? remake original archmage quaters? Or a new home what is in style of archmage quaters

Edited by IgnacyOrder
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