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Restoration Spells


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I am looking for a mod that adds damage spells for a pure healer build under the restoration tree, I am a big fan of pure builds and I request this for a pure restoration build.


An example of spells would be like


Divine Cloak : when an enemy attacks and player takes damage a % of it is reflected back to the attacker. The % of damage reflected should be based on the players restoration level, to make it fair.. even at max 100 restoration the max damage reflection will not be more tha 60% of the damage inflicted by the enemy.( This makes it so that the player needs to rely on healing himself to survive)


others as Holy blast, Smite as in wow :P



Tweak it as you see it fit, I hope you are getting the idea of what kind of spell I am looking for.


Looking forward to see a Resto spell to tackle the game as a Pure restoration build. ( I could use a conjuration summon spell.. .but I dont know why I just want a restoration based spell)


Edit ; if there are any mods under restoration that helps in tackling enemies, please point it out to me.. :D

Edited by cgiprm
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