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Requested Mod for Conan Exiles


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I was curious to know if anyone could help me out. I haven't a clue how to make mods, otherwise I'd tackle this myself as I'd imagine it couldn't be too hard to do, but I don't really know, so I won't assume.


I'm trying to make a cool feral like woman for Conan Exiles, and one who is primarily a cannibal. But the only way to indulge in cannibalism in the game is to do it through being an acolyte of the god Yog. You need to build an altar to him, then construct a special weapon that will carve up special human meat which you can then cook, but only at the Yog altar. As you can see, it's a long winded process for something so simple and little. It's rather annoying.


I just want a mod that allows the basic human meat you can get from the human NPC's you kill to be able to be cooked and eaten. Eating it raw just poisons you and can even kill you. There's no way of cooking the basic human meat and it doesn't seem the developers plan to add this in anytime soon or even at all.


Any help with be really appreciated, and even if you only read this, thank you still.




M :)

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