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Civil War Enhancements?


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Does anyone know of any good mods that enhance the Civil War quest-line yet, since the Overhaul mod is obviously never coming back? <.<


I know hardly anyone mods SSE yet, and even fewer ever bothered with the Civil War quest-line unfortunately. I'm sure it's not even really possible to do anything with it yet without SKSE being in a more robust state, so does anyone have any plans to do something with this when that happens?

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Plenty of good civil war mods available.


Populated Skyrim civil war

Immersive patrols

Open civil war

Civil war aftermath

Civil war ambushes

Civil war battlefields

Hold border banners

Man those borders

Unique border gates


That should get you started. Make sure you check descriptions of the mods to ensure compatibility with each other. Also the number of these mods you use will depend on your systems power and the other mods you are running

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