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Merging ESMs and ESPs


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I've recently starting merging my huge amount of mods together via a combination of tesvsnip and the CK.


I've encountered a new problem though. Several of the custom follower mods have both a esp and a esm. EG; http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12509


I have several of this author's mods, all of which consist of a esp and a esm, that I wish to combine into one file, or at least one esm and one esp.


What should I do?

Edited by cchoay
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convert the .esm to a esp with tesvsnip and continue on as you have been. Since it is a custom follower the esm was to fix they grey face bug. you will need to have the NPC in an esm when you are done and export the head and mesh textures again.
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I understood you up till halfway and then I got lost XD


So after combining the esps, I convert the esp into a esm and then...what? What does it mean to export head and mesh textures, and how do I go about doing that?

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it's in the tutorials for changing an NPC's looks. quick explanation is go to the NPC in the list and highlight them and hit ctrl-f4 to export the features. it will give you a are you sure confirmation just hit yes or OK. You cant do it from the main part of the tree but the second. so click the plus sign box thing next to actor to expand its tree and select the second one that is titled actor, scroll through it to find the new NPC, highlight and do the ctrl-f4.


It will export a .nif file and a texture. both will be named the same as the NPC's edid. filepath examples below:


C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\facegendata\facetint\MOD Name.esm\NPC EDID.dds

C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\MOD Name.esm\NPC EDID.nif

(substitute MOD NAME with the name of the mod, and NPC's EDID with the NPC's edid.)

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I see... so, just to double confirm, I espify the esm, merge it with the original esp, then take this new esp and merge it other modified esps, turn the final product into a esm and then export the new files?
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