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My radio station works (until it doesn't)


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I recently made my own radio station that I'm not uploading here..and it works... but if I change the station for a couple minutes and go back to it there is no music and I have to load a previous save of when it was still working... then it plays again. So as of now the station works as long as I only listen to that station. I also had a couple people testing it tell me only the first track plays on repeat... and I have no idea why that is happening. Anyway the mod is clearly broken and trying to figure out what I may have done wrong. Any help appreciated.


I was going by the directions in the video. I'm pretty sure I did everything right and the randomize script from the video does work (when I play it). It's possible I missed a phase action to put into the quest but i don't know for sure


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Hello there.

When I made my first version of "Radio October" I had similar problems. Maybe I made the same mistakes as you. Perhaps in new versions of Fallout something is hindering this script. Perhaps this script is not so good.

The second version I made by Elite Khajiit tutorials. Its way is longer, but it is simpler in its essence and the radio works as it should. I hope his videos will help you.

You can download my "Radio October" and copy my version of the script, it is designed for 65 tracks and you can just delete unnecessary lines.

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Hello there.
When I made my first version of "Radio October" I had similar problems. Maybe I made the same mistakes as you. Perhaps in new versions of Fallout something is hindering this script. Perhaps this script is not so good.
The second version I made by Elite Khajiit tutorials. Its way is longer, but it is simpler in its essence and the radio works as it should. I hope his videos will help you.
You can download my "Radio October" and copy my version of the script, it is designed for 65 tracks and you can just delete unnecessary lines.



I'll give it a try but just copying and pasting script could cause more issues...we'll see. Thanks for your help


Ugh... I tried that guys method the first time and I gave up halfway through because it was so tedious.. he should have at least gave us a script to copy/paste..and even then he had trouble explaining what the script did. But maybe it will be easier this time.

Edited by js303
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