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Equiped Favorites, Mod Idea


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I have no skill in making mods so I thought I would just suggest this Mod Idea in the hope that someone would be awesome enough to make it. If someone chooses to make it based off this Idea credit in the form of "Thought up By Laup26" is all that I ask for.


The Idea for this mod would be to show what weapons and shields, that the Player has in the favorites on them at all times. So if a person has a two handed sword, and an equiped Sword/Shield and all are on favorites list, the two hander is one the Players back same time they have the sword and shield out. The point of this Mod would be to make melee and ranged players feel "geared", by showing more weapons strapped onto them at once.If you know of any mod that already does what I am suggesting please link it, I looked in the Nexus and cant find anything like it.


Following Only Applies to Weapons and Shields on Players Favorites List


Over Lap - For Weapons that would over lap(like two, Two Handed Weapons or two, One Handed Weapons) only display the last one Equiped


Daggers because they are sheathed in a different location then other one handers, would only apply Over Lap to other Daffers


When the Shield isnt Equiped it would go on the Players back(Kinda like Arrows, maybe not same spot) Doesnt apply Over Lap with arrows, only other Shields



Spells, Potions, Scrolls, Books and Armor Pieces(Helmet,Gloves,Boots and Chest) wouldnt be displayed



Sadly, this Idea wouldnt work for Followers(They have no Favorites List)

Edited by Laup26
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