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PlayIdle/PlayGoup + hold forward key = player stuck playing forward an

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I'm surprised to find no reference to this problem, so I put a simple way to reproduce it :

1) open FO3, equip a weapon and go in 1stP view

2) press forward key

3) without releasing forward, open the console

4) release forward, and type "player.playGroup ReloadA 1"

5) press enter without closing console yet

6) press forward key

7) without releasing forward, close the console

8) keep holding forward key, and try to attack, reload, go diagonally, etc... You should not be able to do anything but jump and move camera, as long as you hold forward and/or press walk/run key.


This problem is even worst in 3rdP view : the player will keep going forward and the only i found to stop it is to go 1stP view, open the console, play an anim with playIdle/playGoup....


Of course, the problem happens too when using scripts rather than console (otherwise i would not care about it), and with playIdle too. When "stuck with forward anim" in 3rdP view, i've noticed that the run (or walk) anim is still playing, even when i jump there's no jump and jump-land anims : the player just run in the air in a ridiculously lunar way...


I've also tested with other controls : backward causes have the same issue, but not left/right ; except if you hold forward/backward at the same time, in this case the bug happens and and you just go forward/backward (not diagonally) as same as if you didn't pressed left/right at all.



Now I have 2 questions :

- Do you experience the same issue ?

- How to fix it ?

I've tested a lot of stuff with enable/disableControl, enable/disablePlayerControls at different moments of the animation. But the only thing that make this thing a little better it to call "disablePlayerControls 1 0 0 0" when (and only when) the playIdle/playGroup anim is finished (when player is stuck with forward/backward anim playing only), and then call enablePlayerControls the next frame.

But with this solution, the player is still stuck with forward anim during my playidle/playgroup animation (except if he manually release forward/backward), and this seems to work only if player stays in 1stP view.



Edit: After more tests, I found a little better solution : calling "playGroup Idle 1" every frame (yea a LITTLE better solution...) This seems to fix perfectly the problem after play an anim with playGroup. For anim played with playIdle the player is still locked in his "go forward" state as long as the anim plays. I suspect there's something to do with bone priority there, maybe...

Edited by HomoRadioactivis
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Playgroup is a way of putting animations into seperate sets which override each other. Animations without a parent group are just going to loop forever. To that end you can create a bogus group or use one of the vanilla groups. I would use one of the vanilla groups as a parent. Most of them will fit into loose idle. This way the vanilla animations will override. In scripting there are also times you need to enable controls. These often need condions added to the animation to keep every actor in the game from playing them out.
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