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SKSE - game doesn't load after title screen


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this problem happens only after loading skyrim with skse. In the title screen (Continue, New, Exit, Settings) after klicking on "new" a new screen appears with a large dragon (or an other monster from skyrim) and there I can move the view on the dragon with the mouse but nothing else more. I pushed every button on my keyboard and waited 10 minutes. I only can shut down Skyrim with the task manager.


Skyrim is new installed without any mods. I download skyrim with steam and used the new skse version. Without skse the game runs without any problem.


I hope you could help me.



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A suggestion...


You said that when you click NEW the game locks. Does it lock when you click LOAD?


Create a new game without launching SKSE, setting up your character and as soon as you can save, shut the game down. Restart the game using SKSE and then LOAD the saved game.


It's a work-around but it will at least get you going (if it works) as SKSE tends to be for mods that aren't effected so much by previous saves.

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  • 3 months later...

Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog. .



Currently still under construction - any suggestions will be appreciated. As the blog site is only open by invitation, please make your suggestions comments or complaints by PM (Private Message) at the Nexus.

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