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Resource Management


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I was wondering if there was a mod that could show all of the junk resources (aluminum, adhesive, etc) all at once to see what you are low on, and maybe use the perk that marks containers and items differently. Right now doing something like that is made a pain by having some of the resources in a different settlement, so you can't just look in any one of the workshops to see for yourself, and some have not been broken down yet. It would be nice to have all junk resources summed up somehow that combines all of the junk from all of your trade-route connected settlements, and display it so you know what you are low on, or what you will be low on.

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I would also like that capability, but have been unable to create it. Best I could come up with is SKK scrapper to convert junk to components and SKK quantum storage as a central repository.


Couldnt find a safe way to dynamically link all workshops inventory, so on the basis you can only build in the one settlement the player is in, I did a one click dump crafting junk to local workshop & grab everything back transfer function.

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