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Elven Rings from LOTR


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Hello All,


As a big fan of Tolkien related mods i always wanted to see a mod that uses the lore of the elven rings. The Ultimate Assortment by Favored soul

mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7855 has nice models of the 3 Elven rings, Narya , Nenya and Vilya, it also has the One ring and the Evenstar however the focus in on the 3 Elven rings.


Basically my idea is to have lore friendly effects added tot he 3 rings:


- Narya: "Narya is described as having the power to inspire others to resist tyranny, domination and despair," : add the "call to arms aura effect to the user and allied around , increases speech, added bonus to health and stamina, once per fight when users health reaches 50% auto cast a Fire cloak


- Nenya: "Nenya's power was preservation, protection, and concealment from evil." : add aura effect to user an dallied around with the following benefits Armor rating increased by X Magic resistance increased by X%, Block X% more damage with your weapon or shield. Bonus to restoration, bonus to health.


- Vilya: "Vilya was the Ring of Air, signifying its pre-eminence even over the other Rings of the Elves; it was generally considered that Vilya was the mightiest of these three bands." Bonus to destruction , bonus to magicka ,bonus to magicka regen, reduced cost destruction spells, once per fight when users health reaches 50% auto summon a Storm Atronach (inspired by how Elrond summoned the flood against the Nazgul"


Based on how Galadriel "turned" into a temporary powerful being as we saw on he Hobbit movie when she banishes Sauron another idea would be to add a transformation power to each ring user that would allow the user to have a temporary powerful effect. The mod Paladin Auras https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48541?tab=description has 3 transformations that would be fitting to each ring, Fire to Narya, Ice to Nenya and Lightning to Vilya.


Having the ring guarded by the ghost of guardians that could represent the 3 last known users of the rings, Gandalf Galadriel and Elrond would be cool as well.


Let me know what you guys think.

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