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Making a rock


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Okay, I have 2 models, make the nif multiple ways, even with the special collision meshes and whatnot.


No dice. Always a non textured black object that disappears in game.


I really really want to know what makes a rock a rock in this game so i can add this stuff in support of my mod(s)


Are there any tutorials or are there any pointers? Right when I think I understand how to do stuff, I get tripped up by some random rule.

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Did you make sure that the 'vertex colored' or whatever that option name was had been set to true?


If so:

I recall a thread a while back about some guy who was making a sword and had the same issue. I can't recall off hand what the issue was though.


Could also be that the game expects a texture set or something to be specified for it in the CK?

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