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Hornless Helmets and Other Things?


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I don't know if anyone has posted this yet, however, for a while now I've been craving variants of all horned helmets without horns. I really like the shape of some of the helmets, especially the ancient nordic helmets, steel horned, dragonplate, and stalhrim helmets. I would like to have variations of those in particular without horns. Also it would be great to have some removable mouth guards, much like the Nightingale helmet, that are unique to each helmet and their material.


Another idea I have is stalhrim variants of ebony, elven, steelplate, and bonemold armor, i.e., ebony armor made with stalhrim plates on it, so that they compliment each other. The same goes for bonemold, steelplate and elven.


Think of the chest piece on the ebony cuirass being made of stalhrim, or the pauldrons, or even the whole armor piece itself. Another element to consider is making the stalhrim on ebony armor a more blackish-violet to compliment the natural color of ebony.


If anyone feels inspired, run with this. Take these ideas and go as far as you want with them; I only ask that if anyone does decide to work on this, to make it high quality - 2k to 4k - on the textures, take care in the details, and keep it lore friendly.

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