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Unlimited werewolf time


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I've been looking for a mod that gives us unlimited werewolf time (already posted in 'mod detectives'), but I'm starting to wonder whether we could do this through the console instead. Has anyone ever tried this before? Feeding increases our bloodlust, so the first thing I tried was "player.setav bloodlust 999", but that didn't work. Surely there must be a way to do this, right? Edited by rafale09
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Decreasing the timescale might let you stay a werewolf for a lot longer. Does anyone have a confirmation on this?


Other than that, I know there are mods that make you stay a werewolf for one entire night, like this one:



or this one:



I haven't tested either of those, by the way.

Edited by Rennn
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Yeah, those are a little too much for me. They change a whole bunch of other stuff that I can do without for now. All I really need at the moment is some way to get rid of the time limit, or get rid of it altogether. I'm pretty surprised that no one has come up with a mod or console command that lets us do this.


Decreasing the timescale should work, I think. Wouldn't that mess with the rest of the world though?

Edited by rafale09
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If you put it at a timescale of 5 it shouldn't break any quests or anything, but you'd only get to stay a werewolf for 4x as long.

Fortunately, unlike in Oblivion, altering the timescale doesn't seem to affect grass, tree, or water animation speed.

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I've only actually been a werewolf once, where I actually went out and killed things, since I'm not fond of the fact that you can no longer get rested bonuses. What? Werewolves don't sleep in human form like everyone else? What's with that?


Anyway, from my limited experience, changing the timescale does not seem to affect the time you're a werewolf, although I could be wrong on that. To my knowledge, you are in beast form for 300 seconds, Real Time (although some sources quote 150 seconds). This should have nothing to do with the timescale you can set using the console.


As for Oblivion, Rennn, I routinely ran with a timescale of "1", except when I had crucial time-related quests active, and the timescale did not affect grass, tree, or water animation for me. If it had, I would have changed it back to its default immediately.


In Skyrim I generally play with a timescale of "2". I tried "1" and it caused a lot of NPCs to "stall out" during quests. It still happens, occasionally, with a timescale of "2", but it's nothing that the console command "moveto player" (with the NPC in question selected) can't solve, since this seems to jumpstart the NPC's AI.

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There just has to be a way to do this. I'm still new to modding Skyrim, so I haven't been able to figure out how to do this using the Creation Kit either. It's too bad I can't see what's going on in the background... maybe if there was a way to toggle verbose console logging or something.


Extending the bonus given by feeding on a body might be the easiest way, I think. I just don't know where to look for it in the game files.

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I have heard that Script Dragon allows for several 'toggle werewolf' mods, but it takes forever for Script Dragon to be updated after each patch, so I don't personally use it.


The fact that many of these larger werewolf mods extend beast-form duration means that it must be possible to have it last forever (or at least a very, very long time). You could message one of the makers of the mods I listed above and ask what they did to change the duration.

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  • 1 year later...

Here I Hope this helps I found and unlimited werewolf time mod for you

Link below:


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14246/?(unlimited werewolf time)


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12017/?(Werewolf toggle you need it so you can change back to human form)


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