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Drop-able Gold Coins (or bags)


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I would love to be able to do this to show my money off in my player home but the thing is I suck at using the Creation Kit. (I myself am use to using the UDK but for me the Creation Kit keys are way to different)


Drop-able Gold Coins (or bags) like in Morrowind. coins would go in to a bag after lets say after dropping 50 coins

Edited by Aj47951
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I'd really love to see this mod made. There's 3 different coinpurse sizes, too. Maybe a small coin purse is >9 coins, medium size is >29, and large is >49. Because honestly, when you are dropping hundreds of coins at once it's going to crash your system pretty quickly after you do it 50 times.


While looking at the Creation Kit, I noticed that when you pick up a gold coin or coin purse, it changes the item into a different class object. That makes it a little difficult to modify. This might be something beyond the capabilities of the CK.

Edited by Tiitha
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