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Modding shouts? help please!


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I am messing around with "Whirlwind Sprint."


I went and editted the "VoiceSprintEffect3" and on the "Magic Effect" window and I see nothing that would make the shout "propel" you forward instead of, say...spitting fire everywhere like what "Fire Breath" does. The "effect archetype" for the magic effect is just "script." Yet, there are no scripts present!!!


I checked the Magic Effect for Unrelenting force and at least there, the "effect archetype" was stagger. On shout 3, there is a script, which is to cause a knock back. Understandable.


Please help me understand whirlwind sprint, and other shout effects that use "script," yet refers to no scripts at all.

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I haven't looked into it myself, but I recommend you look into a simple mod that adds some shouts or simply look at some of beth's shouts to see how it's done.


Thanks for the response.


I looked at "VoiceUnrelentingForceEffect03" (the "magic effect" for when all three words, Fus Roh Dah, is shouted), and the "effect archetype" is "stagger." But, it also has a script effect, which I think causes NPC's to be pushed away and not just staggered.


Now, the "Whirlwind Sprint" shout has only a "script" effect archetype, which means that it must pull all of what it's doing out of a script. The problem is, there is NO script present for the whirlwind sprint effect ("VoiceSprintEffect3"). Am I missing scripts or something? Or is the shout hardcoded. I don't think it's hardcoded...it shouldn't be.

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I'm having the same problem, there seems to be no data present to represent the actual effect of the whirlwind sprint. Also, the only thing that seems to differ between the three different sprint effects is the base cost.


It would be nice if any more experienced modders could grant some insight into this issue.

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I think that whirlwind sprint's effects are actually from idle animations, specifically the 'VoiceWhirlwindSprintShort', 'VoiceWhirlwindSprintMedium', and 'VoiceWhirlwindSprintLong' animations.


In the CK, you can find them under:


Gameplay -> Animations -> Actors\Characters\Behaviors\0_Master.hkx -> ActionVoiceRelease -> VoiceReleaseRoot -> VoiceWhirlwindSprint

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that whirlwind sprint's effects are actually from idle animations, specifically the 'VoiceWhirlwindSprintShort', 'VoiceWhirlwindSprintMedium', and 'VoiceWhirlwindSprintLong' animations.


In the CK, you can find them under:


Gameplay -> Animations -> Actors\Characters\Behaviors\0_Master.hkx -> ActionVoiceRelease -> VoiceReleaseRoot -> VoiceWhirlwindSprint


Those are animations. But, what initiates these animations? The only logical thing I could think of would be the shout itself. Unless the shout itself (in the magic -> shout section) isn't an initiator. Actually the shout itself MUST be the initiator.


Check out this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8534


The author seems to have just modified ONE thing, and that is the magnitude of the third spell (shoutslowtime3, don't remember exact name) for the "Slow Time" shout from 0.10 to 0.00


I'm starting to think that the Creation Kit doesn't support such "advanced" modifications to the game...and that you have to downgrade to something like the reverse-engineered fallout editor for these values/effects to show up. That is, unless someone explains otherwise! Which I hope you can!!!

Edited by danjako43
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Ok, I found out how the super slow-motion mod was made. The magnitude was set to something lower than 0.01, for example 0.001, so the CK estimates it to 0.00


Still, that leaves the shout effect itself to be modified. If you look at the shout effect (voiceslowtimeeffect), you would see that the effect "archetype" is slow time. How do I edit the archetypes themselves? Or are they hardcoded?


I did find the animation for the slowtime shout release in Gameplay -> Animations -> Actors\Characters\Behaviors\0_Master.hkx -> ActionVoiceRelease


but that seems to be irrelevant.

Edited by danjako43
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