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What's the .ckm file for?


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I have found that they are created when I publish a file on to the Steam workshop, named (my_mod_name).ckm


I then removed all my mod files from the data folder and 'subscribed' to my own mod and downloaded it when I next started up Skyrim.


The .ckm file was not among the downloaded files and was not needed to play. I believe it is some sort of upload log when using the creation kit.


I keep deleting them and each time publish an update another one is created.


Prognosis - They are harmless and and you can delete them if your not the publisher.

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  • 4 months later...
Thank you. I was wondering this too, as I've not seen this file type before. Yesterday I uploaded my first mod to Steam and the file showed up in my data folder, so you are correct. Steam must have created the file, or the CK created it for Steam. I've deleted it and it has no ill effects, I can still edit my mod.
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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

One thing: .ckm files ARE downloaded every time you subscribe to a mod. They are housed in the Steam/userdata/#######/ugc/referenced.


I only know this because I cannot seem to use any steam mods since a few days ago. I was looking for the downloaded .esp's and stumbled across these. Hence my googling of .ckm, which has yet to bear fruit.

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  • 1 month later...

I recently had a subscriber on steam report a .ckm error when trying to download my mod. Since there is virtually no hard information from Bethesda or Steam on what exaclty a .ckm file is, I am going to post what logic dictates based on what we do know, and the answer I gave my sub when trying to support him with this issue.


Here is his question:

Not sure whats going on, but each time Steam tries to extract this mod
I get a "cannot extract ckm files error" The mod worked fine before just not sure as to why I'm getting the error now.


Here is my answer:


Sounds like the .ckm for my mod might be corrupted. There are two possible fixes I came up with for you regarding this issuet. And I am giving you an educated guess based on the limited information on what .ckm files actually are, and what they do as there is no elderscrolls, bethesda, steam or creation kit wiki I could find that explains what they really do or are.

1.) unsub my mod, let it uninstall by going to my mod on the workshop, click "unsub" button, open skyrim to the small load screen, let my mod uninstall before you click "play".
Or if that doesnt work:
2.) You'll need to go and move/backup the existing cleaner_volkihar.ckm and see if steam will give you a new uncorrupted one.
Here is what I know about the .ckm file and explicit instructions on how to fix your problem:
From what I read and common logic follows from it, I think the .ckm file is a tracking file to sync creation kit with steam and the downloading mod user. You can see a whole thread on what it is here:
.ckm files ARE downloaded every time you subscribe to a mod. They are found locally in the Steam/userdata/#######/ugc/yourdownloadedmod.ckm Which is why I think this might fix your issue.
To find the .ckm I browsed to my steam > userdata folder and did a search for *.ckm
The reason I did it this way was because there was 10 folders with a bunch of random numbers, then another folder "ugc", and I didnt want to look through every single one. But the file you are looking for is in steam > userdata >xxx >ugc > cleaner_castlevolkihar3.ckm move it/ back it up somewhere and see if you can get a new one when re-subscribing to this mod on steam. Hopefully you'll get a new one that now works.
When doing a search in windows explore, putting an astrik *. and a period before a search string name lets you find ALL files with that wild card. i.e., *.ckm
It sounds to me like your castle_volkihar3.ckm was possibly corrupted during the download from steam.
I researched what .ckm files were a few months ago because when I started uploading this mod to both steam and the nexus, people on the nexus were getting pissed because the .ckm was so large and truth be said, for nexus users YOU DON'T NEED IT!! But for steam sub'd mods, you do.
So when I upload to the nexus, I do NOT include the castle_volkihar3.ckm, it is not needed to run the mod. Since I know this balls to bones, logic dictates that this is a steam workshop sync file from the mod creator, to the workshop, to the user.
castle_volkihar3.ckm is created every time I make a new mod or make changes and hit "save" to an existing mod I am authoring in the creation kit.
Steam however gives it to their subscribers automatically with every mod, as stated before, it is a workshop/Creation Kit related file. No where can I find anything more on google or TES website wiki's what the f*#@ this thing actually does, so this is my solution, I hope it works for you.
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