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deadly reflexes?


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ok im having some weird problems with deadly reflexes 4.03 (a.k.a. decapitation). ok so i know the mod is working because blood is everywhere but i can never seem to decapitate things. i looked everywhere online and culdent find anyone else with this problem so any thoughts or instructon's or liks that could help would be great
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It doesnt work without the latest OBSE so make sure you have that...also my mage uses deadly reflex, its nice turning people into ice statues, literaly knocking them out of their boots, and turning them into a crispy fried corpse.
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After you installed the mod, did you configure it in game? If not, use deadly reflex in ur inventory.


To decapitate you need your blade skill at 50+ so you can do disarming strike. It will only decapitate if the enemy hp is lower than half, and it doesn't happen every time. When it happens, the game will go into slow-mo, and you must keep holding the keys you're pressing (left+attack or right+attack) and aim at the head. It also will fail if you're too far away from the enemy.

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Also, your safest bet is to load all of the Deadly Relfex plugins last if you're using Oblivion Mod Manager to ensure they work.


Also, there are three different plugins for Timed Block. Make sure you're only using one of them.


Do get Mod Manager if you aren't using it. Load order can solve a lot of dillemmas with mods.

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Having a cleansave may also save you. Bring your character into an interior cell with no NPC's present, (like a basement, or an empty player owned house). and save it in a new save slot.
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