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Skyrim freezes for a few seconds


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Thank god I'm not the only one ! I love you Google.


Sooo, first of all, hi everybody, I hope you doing well. Next, holy, molly, broly http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs28/f/2008/095/b/9/b95ad788c5144576.png this bug is annoying as hell. I started experience this a few weeks ago on a new char (lv 29), the freeze is like one second every fourty-fifty seconds and even if it seems to not be a really big deal it gets very frustrating veeery quickly. Of course I tried like the author of the thread to disable all my mods and even re-install the game countless times but nothing was effective. And this is something that I personnaly can't understand, how is it possible to still be buggy just by putting only one save on a new fresh install ? So I created another new character and was able to play with no problem whatsoever until the level 42 (btw my first char is 62 and never had such bug, and still not having it with the exact same/same amount of mods) and then it started to freeze aswell... Here I killed thounsand insects in my garden just to calm my nerves, and tried to search online if such thing was well-known. I came here, read the topic, see the "script solution" (wich didn't work for me) and the bloating problem that some of you have. I don't know exactly how big is supposed to be a save but mine never goes over 14 XXX ko so I guess it's maybe something else (you know, 'cause... I'm so lucky...).


In other words, it's apparently not the game itself, nor the saves... I know this statement is of course wrong but... HAAA !


I'm not usually bitchin' on Bethesda because I love their games and their philosophy of the video game world but I have to admit it's not acceptable to have major issues like this. So if anyone discover how to fix this I'll be really happy to hear it.


Have a great day.

Edited by Skydrim
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Thank god I'm not the only one ! I love you Google.


Sooo, first of all, hi everybody, I hope you doing well. Next, holy, molly, broly http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs28/f/2008/095/b/9/b95ad788c5144576.png this bug is annoying as hell. I started experience this a few weeks ago on a new char (lv 29), the freeze is like one second every fourty-fifty seconds and even if it seems to not be a really big deal it gets very frustrating veeery quickly. Of course I tried like the author of the thread to disable all my mods and even re-install the game countless times but nothing was effective. And this is something that I personnaly can't understand, how is it possible to still be buggy just by putting only one save on a new fresh install ? So I created another new character and was able to play with no problem whatsoever until the level 42 (btw my first char is 62 and never had such bug, and still not having it with the exact same/same amount of mods) and then it started to freeze aswell... Here I killed thounsand insects in my garden just to calm my nerves, and tried to search online if such thing was well-known. I came here, read the topic, see the "script solution" (wich didn't work for me) and the bloating problem that some of you have. I don't know exactly how big is supposed to be a save but mine never goes over 14 XXX ko so I guess it's maybe something else (you know, 'cause... I'm so lucky...).


In other words, it's apparently not the game itself, nor the saves... I know this statement is of course wrong but... HAAA !


I'm not usually bitchin' on Bethesda because I love their games and their philosophy of the video game world but I have to admit it's not acceptable to have major issues like this. So if anyone discover how to fix this I'll be really happy to hear it.


Have a great day.



Do you have enhanced blood textures? I did, and getting rid of it fixed it for me.

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Hi, thanks for your time.


Actually, I do, but as I said, I once tried to place my save in a new installation of the game without any mod (wich means without any added scripts) and unfortunely the freezes continued. Maybe the save thinks (yeah saves think) that the mod is still in there and try to run the script ? I don't know, I know nothing about modding and save features. I think I'll will try all the solutions posted here at once (re-install / remove the script folder / no mods / wait 31 days) and I'll see what happens. I'm kinda desperate. Thanks again :).

Edited by Skydrim
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Hi, thanks for your time.


Actually, I do, but as I said, I once tried to place my save in a new installation of the game without any mod (wich means without any added scripts) and unfortunely the freezes continued. Maybe the save thinks (yeah saves think) that the mod is still in there and try to run the script ? I don't know, I know nothing about modding and save features. I think I'll will try all the solutions posted here at once (re-install / remove the script folder / no mods / wait 31 days) and I'll see what happens. I'm kinda desperate. Thanks again :).


Ah well see, i reverted to an earlier save that i had in my backup skyrim folder. So maybe you need an "un-infected" save. :/

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It's funny cause I tought of the "earlier save" before I saw your message and... well, yes. It seems to work and I feel kinda dumb to not have think of it sooner (I don't know if this sentence makes sense). Anyway in my mind I did a clean save so it was silly to me to back up on an earlier save because I tought it was the same thing. I don't know if it's really caused by Enhanced Blood Texture but anyway thanks for your help !


I will probably post here what I will discover in the futur about this annoyance. Is it really EBT ? If that the case, will it continues if I just back on an earlier save without disabling this mod ? Can I enable EBT after being back on my old save ? Etc...


Well... I'm gonna play some Skyrim now :D.

Edited by Skydrim
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  • 3 weeks later...

Awesome, i had this problem and well, no longer have it!

Here what made my skyrim playable again:


i have now played several hours without Enhanced Blood textures, Sos Civ and HQ Map with an older savegame and have no problem! (probably one when i hadnt installed SoS Civ yet, that mod has been hidden o n the nexus for a reason...)


hope it'll help you

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I dont know if this makes some mods not work properly but i have played for 10 minutes now and it has not lagged once and havent encountered any problems





what OS are you using?

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Hi guys I am on 720 saves. As of save 720 I installed SKSE, and 3 other mods including Fores New Iddles. Save 719 (previous save before SKSE and other 3 mods) = 10 mb and no freeze. Save 720 = 37 mb. Does this mean that if I deactivate the 3 mods or at lest 2 and delete save 720 and go back to save 719, the freeze should disappear? I will also keep an eye on save file size. Also would the unnoficial skyrim patch help with stuff like this?
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Recently encountered this problem myself, save files are now 200+ each. Takes several minutes to quick save, constant freezing every few seconds that lasts between 10-25 seconds. Load times between areas seem nearly infinite. Doing a fresh install with just the bare essentially texture mods that my character needs. I should note, however, that my save file size was fine until I started experimenting with ENB's.
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I am having this issue with one of my characters. The most recent save file was 34 mb. My other characters I have played longer and have no more than 11mb.


Here is what I have tried:

Deleting my script folder


Skyrim Unofficial Patch 1.1

No possessive corpses


Savegame scanner (I have no idea what any of that data means)


Rest for 31 days (Shrunk file from 34 to 31 but still get stutters)


None of these have worked for my game. Did I miss something to try? Is there anything else? Almost thinking of making this character over with all the same items and stats (is there any easy way to do that? Probably a question for another topic).

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