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Scripted Disease


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I am no good with scripts, the only thing I can ever do with scripts is figure out the just of it while looking at it so I can just copy and paste certain parts of it to get some stuff working. I am working on a mod and one of the essential parts is that I need a script that would work on a disease to kill someone in about 3 days. If anyone can make a script for that it would be appreciated. I am working on piecing certain things but about the time I get to finishing this that script will be necessary.
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I am no good with scripts, the only thing I can ever do with scripts is figure out the just of it while looking at it so I can just copy and paste certain parts of it to get some stuff working. I am working on a mod and one of the essential parts is that I need a script that would work on a disease to kill someone in about 3 days. If anyone can make a script for that it would be appreciated. I am working on piecing certain things but about the time I get to finishing this that script will be necessary.

The problem with diseases is that those that give it to the player, are also affected by it. So a scripted disease which kills anyone after 3 days might be a bad idea depending on its usage. Is this 3 days thing supposed to only apply toward the player, is it transmitted by a creature, or how exactly do you want it to work.

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I didnt think about that...If the player decided to wait 3 days even if I had it so it gave the disease to the carrier when the quest started, it would still kill him. Yet it would probably be best if it only killed the player, because about 90% of the people who have it are going to be immune. A lot of people are just placed dead so I wouldn't need the disease to kill them off. It would be NPC to player transmitted. The mod will involve Peryite, So that explains a lot of it and why I need it if you know your Daedric Princes.
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Something like


scn RynPeryiteDiseaseScript00

short day
short daysleft
short active

Begin scripteffectstart
if getself == player
  set active to 1
  set day to gameday
  set daysleft to 3

Begin scripteffectupdate
if active == 1
if daysleft > 0
 if day != gamrday
  set daysleft to daysleft -1
 Messagebox "You have been killed";; or whatever you want them to see before they die


should work. It might need a few changes to make it fit better with your mod, like messages telling players they are getting worse, or adding more effects as it goes.

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Meh, it was hit and miss, good news, disease kills you, not really bad news since it works and I can just change all of the references to the disease to make it more deadly, it kills you if you wait for longer than an hour.
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When you set DaysLeft to DaysLeft - 1, you also need to set day to gameday again, but I think scripted variables would reset to zero when reloaded. A better way of doing it might be with a quest script.


if (player.IsSpellTarget TheDisease)
 if (active == 0)
	  set DaysLeft to 3
	  set day to GameDay
	  set active to 1
 elseif (day != GameDay)
	  set DaysLeft to DaysLeft - 1
	  set day to GameDay
	  if (DaysLeft <= 0)
 set active to 0

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