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Khajiit and Argonian tails


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This has been bothering me for quite some time.

The movement of the tails on the player races that have them are pretty much static.


The only thing the tail seems to do is swivel a bit to the left and right whenever the characters walk, it basically looks like someone glued a stick to their butts and called it a day.

Any normal creature that has a tail uses it extensively, especially when you look at cats and dogs, they express their emotions through movements and positions of their tails.

The races in Skyrim don't seem to express that sort of thing since their tails are largely immobile. I can understand that for lore reasons since these species have developed speech the use of a tail as a means of communication is no longer needed, however something like the movement of the tails seems to be instinctive, so you can have that as an argument.


But what I'm really trying to say is that I would like it if the tails of the Khajiit and Argonians have more movement and are more flexible (as in have a lot of bones in them that allow it to curl and move in a lot of directions and different ways).

I know I'm probably asking quite a bit from the model programmers by asking this, but for me it's a pretty big issue, especially since I play a Khajiit. I think quite a few people would agree with me, or at least on a visual standpoint.


Anyway, for the people that read this, thanks for reading and I hope that this will some day be done

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I agree with you, the tails feel quite like present because it's part of the design and ...that's all. The technology has evolved since Morrowind and Oblivion, the AI is now more powerful than ever, I've caught a look over it just a little and it's already amazing.

For someone with basic skills in animation, animating the tails wouldn't be hard. Well, skills in animation and in implementing them with the CK. I have basics in Maya animation but I have never tried to get or implement animations in an Elder Scroll.

Then the animations should be added to various packages. I tend to think it should be possible to have them play at the same time as other animations but I wouldn't take if for granted.

My poor knowledge stops here but if someone ever manages to make this mod, I want it!^^

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