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Actor Kill Boxes


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Hi there,


in Oblivion there were Actor Kill Boxes. They kill the Character if he gets in them.


These were used at some areas, where the character should die if he gets there, for example jumping off a cliff

and below is an actor kill box, to secure the death of the character.


Are there Boxes like these in the Creation Kit, too??

If yes, where can i find them?

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Hi there,


in Oblivion there were Actor Kill Boxes. They kill the Character if he gets in them.


These were used at some areas, where the character should die if he gets there, for example jumping off a cliff

and below is an actor kill box, to secure the death of the character.


Are there Boxes like these in the Creation Kit, too??

If yes, where can i find them?

Actually, there is a triggerbox that does exactly what you described in Sovngarde at the bottom of the waterfall near Meadhall. It's setup exactly as scrivener07 detailed, a triggerbox with a script attached. Not sure if it matters at all, but the script used for the triggerbox in Sovngarde has one additional line of code that scrivener07 did not include:


Scriptname KillScript extends ObjectReference  

EVENT onTriggerEnter(objectReference triggerRef)
[b]Actor triggerActor = triggerRef as Actor[/b]
if (triggerActor == Game.GetPlayer())
	; kill player

I'm not really adept with Papyrus just yet so the added line may be unnecessary, however I figured I would point it out just in case.

Edited by trees415
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Okay, thank you very much.

But unfortunaly i have no clue how i can extend a trigger box with a script?


What i did so far:


1. I copied a Trigger Box


2. Primitive: Collision layer: L_ACTORZONE (dont know whether its important or not)


3. Scripts: DefaultActivateSelf -> Remove


4. Scripts: Add -> New Script


5. Add new Script: Name -> KillBoxScript


6. Add New Script: Extends -> Object Reference


7. Add New Script: OK


Now i have a new Script called KillBoxScript, but how do i extend it with the lines you posted?

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Copy and paste the lines into your script excluding the scriptname line because yours should already have its own. trees415 or my script should both work. Then load the game and walk into your box. You should die. Post back if you get compiler errors or it doesnt work as intended.


Edit: doh, almost forgot the default CK settings are to open the properties window when you doubleclick a script. Right click your script and choose edit source

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