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Re-entering Stealth. NPC Dialogue audio


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So, I really dislike most of the dialogue the NPCs use when you are in combat and enter back into a hidden state. a few of the rader lines are cool, but I find they all loop way too frequently and also, too quickly.


Shoot someone directly beside an enemy, they see them die, then say directly afterwards, "I must be hearing s#*!" or etc. lol I know the Jet is good stuff but c'mon, really?


I thought I had found the Form ID to edit, but so far it has made no difference. Often these values reflect the opposite of what you might think so Its a bit of a guessing game when it comes to wanting something to happen less often or more often etc.


The only thing I could find was Game Settings>0001A17B fCombatDetectionDialogueIdleMaxElapsedTime and 0001A17C fCombatDetectionDialogueIdleMinElapsedTime


I set the Float for both of these much higher than it was, but so far, am still getting the Hidden Dialoge from enemies. I haven't tried setting it lower yet though.


Im unsure if changes like this are instant or if you have to do the whole cell refresh/wait thing?


IDK, perhaps I can just find the actual WAV files I want to remove, but that seems harder.

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