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FCOM Waterfront and Elven Garden Sewer Crash HELP PLZ!!!


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Hey guys, so I installed FCOM for Oblivion recently (I know I'm a little out of date with Skyrim), it works fine and it's so fun!

So I saved Kvatch and now I need to meet the mythic dawn sponsor in the Elven Gardens district Sewer with Baurus, but then when I try to enter them, the game crashes!! This is annoying me a lot as I cant find an answer anywhere to my problem and cant move on in the quest line. Also I bought my waterfront District house but then when I try to travel there the game crashes as well :(

Please find the time to help me in my problem, it would mean heaps to me :)





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Need More info, like your load order with FCOM, and stuff, when you say FCOM it could have been installed wrong. Or it could be another issue with your load order.
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