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Help with creating NPC vampires who turn to ash upon death


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Hi everyone, any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!


I am working on making my vampire mod more immersive, and I would like to have NPCs which I make into vampires turn into ash piles upon death.

I already have it working so that when I (the player) die I run into ash, I can make it so when I kill my own vampire "converts" they turn into ash, HOWEVER . . . if another NPC kills one of the NPCs I turned into a vampire they will not turn to ash ><


Is there something I can change in the script I apply to my NPC turned vampires to make this happen?

Here is the script I use for myself and the NPCs I change:



scriptName magicAttachAshPileOnVampireDeath extends ActiveMagicEffect

{Scripted effect for on death ash pile}


import debug

import FormList






float property fDelay = 1.00 auto

{time to wait before Spawning Ash Pile}

; float property fDelayAlpha = 1.65 auto

; {time to wait before Setting alpha to zero.}

float property fDelayEnd = 1.65 auto

{time to wait before Removing Base Actor}

float property ShaderDuration = 0.00 auto

{Duration of Effect Shader.}

Activator property AshPileObject auto

{The object we use as a pile.}

EffectShader property MagicEffectShader auto

{The Effect Shader we want.}

Bool property bSetAlphaZero = True auto

{The Effect Shader we want.}

FormList Property ImmunityList auto

{If the target is in this list, they will not be disintegrated.}

Bool property bSetAlphaToZeroEarly = False Auto

{Use this if we want to set the acro to invisible somewhere before the effect shader is done.}







actor Victim

race VictimRace

bool TargetIsImmune = True

; bool DeadAlready = FALSE






Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)


victim = Target

; DeadAlready = Victim.IsDead()

trace("victim == " + victim + ", is this right?")





Event OnDying(Actor Killer)



;victim.SetAlpha (0.99,False)


if bSetAlphaToZeroEarly

victim.SetAlpha (0.0,True)




; AshPileRef = AshPileObject

; AshPileRef.SetAngle(0.0,0.0,(Victim.GetAngleZ()))



if bSetAlphaZero == True

victim.SetAlpha (0.0,True)







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