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Interesting NPCs Can't Interact


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I recently installed the Nexus Mod Manager and the Interesting NPCs mod. However, I've been having trouble interacting with the NPCs from IN (Interesting NPCs). It may have to do with that I'm also using the Alternate Life mod and I somehow need to unlock having interactions with the Interesting NPCs considering that I'm not going through the Vanilla intro. Although the NPCs do exist in the world and I can hover over their names, there are no available interactions with any of them whatsoever. It's like they are mute - they walk around, sit and drink at the inn without saying anything. For example, I go to Larkspur who's situated in the Dragonsearch Dungeons at Whiterun to check if the mod's working and he does sit on his chair where he's suppose to but I can't start any convo with him. Here are all the mods I'm currently using:

-Aurora - Standing Stones of Skyrim
-Imperious - Races of Skyrim
-AOS - Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2
-3DNPC.esp - Interesting NPCs 3.42
-Immersive Armors v8
-Apocalypse - The Spell Package (Workshop). esp

-Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim
-Immersive Weapons
-Alternate Start - Live Another Life

Any help fixing this will be greatly appreciated :smile:

Edited by Megahlud
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Hi, I thought I'd just chime in a bit. I have the Interesting NPCs mod and Alternate Start and I can talk to them just fine. My guess is that it may be the AOS mod, but again that's just a guess.

Since you only have a couple mods, try disabling one, then loading a game, one at a time to see if you can find the culprit that way (...and post the results here. always helps in case someone else ever gets the same problem).

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