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Skyrim 6970 Trifire not utilizing all three gpus?!


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Basically Afterburner (2.2 beta 15) is displaying that out of three 6970s in Trifire only two (2) gpus are being used in Skyrim at 89, 98, and 0 percent. Every other game I play works fine including Bulletstorm, Serious Sam, Deus Es, and even Fallout Las Vegas. I tried changing the AFR profile in the driver control panel without any difference. Using the Win 7 64 12-3 driver with 12.3 cap1 profiles. I had just done a clean install using drivercleaner yesterday even. Running Skyrim at 5760x1080 Eyefinity resolution. I tried disabling vsync in the ini file and maxing AA+AF in the driver control panel vs in game to see if there be a difference. Nope just slower though sometimes the third gpu will be utilized like at 1 percent for a second and go away. Anyone have any suggestions?




PS: Just discovered that in window mode only one gpu is active. What the hell is going on?!

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