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Create-A-Follower Mod and other misc ideas.


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Hey everyone! I'm new to the Nexus Forums (I've been here since early March but never posted anything until today), so I'm not sure if this has been discussed or even created yet, but I just got the idea for an AMAZING mod. I was wondering if anybody could possibly do this - a mod that let's you create a follower IN-GAME. I guess to simplify what I'm asking for is basically as if you opened up the command line in game (hitting the ~ [tilde] key) and typing in "showracemenu", but instead of typing that, you would type something like "createfollower" and the same showracemenu interface would open up with a default character in front of you that ISN'T your character. You could create the character and as an additional tab (whereas there's normally the race, body, face, hair, etc. in the showracemenu) have a voice-selection (of the different types of voices characters have).


I personally believe that this mod would simplify the whole process of making a follower with the Creation Kit (I'm not a modder, so I don't know for sure, but I think that's what people use), so you wouldn't even have to use the creation kit - you could just do it right in-game and ask the person to follow you right off the bat.


Also, another quick suggestion is that the Animated Prostitution mod made works, but only to an extent. It's very buggy, and I just wish somebody would hurry up and use the resources the creator made. He WANTS people to extend on the made. He just made the foundation. Can somebody hurry up on that?


My main concern here, however, is the create-a-follower mod.


Okay. That's all. Please reply or whatever here. BYE GUYS!

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Also, I'm wondering if somebody can make a mod that just allows you to press a key while viewing your follower's inventory that automatically equips whatever it is. Kind of like how in your own inventory, if you hit "E" while highlighting an item it equips it to you. Maybe you could hit another key that equips it to them.
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