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Help with ENB


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So, I've been playing with Snowfall ENB and for the most part its fantastic. Its absolutely gorgeous and the weather effects add a whole new feel to the world. Unfortunately, actually playing with it is a little challenging as the day is too bright and the night is too dark. I've found that changing the enbs brightness from 1.00 to 2.00 makes it so I'm not completely blind going through a dungeon. However, once I'm back outside, 2.00 is way too bright. I can always change back at any point, but, its a little inconvenient. Also, its not as easy during a sunset or sunrise to just change the brightness. Thus, my question is: what setting can I customize in order to mitigate this slight inconvenience? Or, what tools on the line can teach me how to customize enbs? Or, if this is the wrong place for this topic, where can I go to ask for help?


Thank you for your responses.

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