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What Happened To Us Being Able To Destroy Mills?


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I remember in an interview, Todd said that we could destroy mills and by doing so, we'd destroy the town's economy but since Skyrim's release, I've tried to destroy a couple of mills but it never works. Todd also said that dragons can, rarely, destroy certain buildings. I've never seen a dragon destroy anything outside of Helgen...
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For what it's worth, I believe there are left over bits of scripting in the scripts for, at least, lumber mills that would have dealt with economy. I suppose during some build of the game they had it in there in some basic form, so I don't really hold it against Todd/Beth that it didn't make it. It could've very well been that the economy system sucked and would have taken far more time than what it was worth to make it decent. It would've been fun, and a mod for it would be nice someday, but I can live without it. Also, buildings being destroyed would've been awesome. Maybe cut because of space issues? I don't know Todd's exact words on that, but if it's basically what OP said, it's technically true. I mean, it is a "rare" occurance, being only at Helgen. Right? :whistling: In that case, it's a dirty marketing technique lol But I don't really think it's the case, I can live without it anyway as well,



Edited by AxlRocks
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If this was planned to be inputted into the game, there might be scripts and other useful tools so a Modder might be able to create a mod for it.

Its a big maybe. As I haven't seen any Werebears yet and apparently that was planned. I WANT MY WEREBEARS D****T!

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Destructible environments would have been great. Dragons laying waste to towns like they should, with the survivors slowly recovering and rebuilding. Economy would have been good too.


But they ran out of time, hence the state of Winterhold and that we had to wait for a high definition texture pack.

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