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DA: O noob questions about DA:O and Witch Hunt. (Spoilers OK)


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Apologies if this is a dupe thread, thanks in advance for your advice and patience.


Brand new to DA:O and loving the game. As an old BG/SOA/GOB player who romanced Jaheira, I have also fallen hard for Morrigan.


I know she leaves at the end of DA:O, and that you can find her and leave with her at the end of Witch Hunt.


Q1: In Witch Hunt, do you get the Leave With Morrigan ending if you married the queen and became King?


Q2: ... if you had an active romance with both Leliana AND Morrigan?


Q3: Are there any Mods in which Morrigan stays at the end of DA:O?



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A1: No.

A2: Only the latter matters.

A3: No.


More useful response: WH is glitched. It doesn't really matter what choices you make in DAO, by the time you get to WH the relevant plot-flags will have been set to their defaults.


Use the Command Console workaround "runscript zz_str_morrigan" to set things the way they should be based on your desired world-state.

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Thanks for the quick reply. I'm a bit confused about what to do after entering "runscript zz_str_morrigan" but hopefully I will figure it out.


So if I understand: It's okay if you romance others, as long as you also successfully romance Morrigan, do the ritual, don't die, don't marry the queen, oh, and keep Morrigan's ring.


Thanks again for your patience.


EDIT: Figured out the console, just had to hit Enter. I guess they figured the script was so foolproof that no readme was necessary, but forgot the old adage, "Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Edited by SparkyTheBarbarian
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  On 1/29/2018 at 4:19 AM, SparkyTheBarbarian said:


EDIT: Figured out the console, just had to hit Enter. I guess they figured the script was so foolproof that no readme was necessary, but forgot the old adage, "Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Words of wisdom. You tell them, tell them again, then explain what you told them. Also there is enabling the console in the first place in some PC versions like steam, never tried because:


A. Everyone says it breaks there game.


B it supposed to challenging to mess with and first time playing a game of this structure with its sims like set up.


I will have to for witch hunt though it seems.


With all the file types its annoying enough just to mod. Only Dazip and zip are taken by installers and unziping as said rarely works, you would be amazed at what Inventive lengths I had to go to to get some mods working at all. The structure is programming and setup pornography, in a non sexual technical sense.

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  On 3/12/2018 at 6:05 AM, Thandal said:



Hmmmm... I find the game super easy to mod. I have 60-80 running at any one time, and swap things around fairly frequently.

Maybe this would help: Dragon Age Mods for Dummies. It's not a tutorial of how to install one. It's an overview of how to use them.

Thank you, you are always most kind and helpful in answering my questions.


I am referring to all the different file types on the nexus and the rejected type of 7zip that dose not appear as a folder icon, changing the file extension to .dazip often just results in an error on steam version and if not for the stupid site having errors I would have bought the gog version and had few issues.


Not all mods take, I have had to disregard instructions and place them in named folders or the item shows up but no item effect for example. Then there are cut files that go elsewhere.Installing a properly packaged dazip or zip with folder icon is super easy. as is extracting the visual files.


I have modded nearly everything, skyrim, mmo's and things you would think could not be modded, its normally just paint by the numbers...but this takes getting used to.


On the steam version enabling the console is said to be difficult and potently game breaking. I hope not as it should be for bug fixing, like I used it for in skyrim dawnguard.


The thing is here I don't know what I am really not supposed to do to avoid corrupting a save. I had rather use the straight foreword tool set if possible.

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