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Syntax example to get Effect Item details from Sigil Stones?

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Is it even possible to get the Effect Items from Sigil Stones with scripting? I can get the Effect Items from a weapon without any issue. When I try to get those details from a Sigil Stone ref, using the same syntax I get nothing returned. So the following ...


Set Enchant to ( GetEnchantment item )
Set effectCount to ( GetMagicItemEffectCount Enchant )


... works for weapons and effectCount is equal to 2 (number of effect items on a weapon that was tested.) This does not work when ref:item is a Sigil Stone. GetName works on Sigil Stones so I am assuming the ref being examined is valid. The Sigil Stones of course work in the Enchantment Menu to enchant an item so the game can see the Effect Items at some level. I have looked at most of the mods others have done around Sigil Stones and can find no examples which work directly with the Effect Items. I am starting to believe that the Effect Items for Sigil Stones are not accessible with scripting. Somebody tell me I am wrong! And if you have the magic syntax to get Effect Items from Sigil Stones I would love to see it.

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I have several tips :

- validation MenuMode 1048 could be useful for your project

- this could be the syntax that you're looking for

GetEnchMenuEnchItem - returns the enchantment which is to be applied to the item to be enchanted. Only works if the enchantment menu is the active menu.

(enchantment:ref) GetEnchMenuEnchItem

- this is known syntax prior to OBSE 21 that can get last sigil stone used (after enchant)

GetLastUsedSigilStone (GetLastSS) - returns the sigil stone most recently used to enchant an item during the current game session

(ref) GetLastUsedSigilStone

GetLastSigilStoneEnchantedItem (GetLastSSItem) - returns the unenchanted item most recently enchanted with a sigil stone during the current game session

(ref) GetLastSigilStoneEnchantedItem

GetLastSigilStoneCreatedItem (GetLastSSCreated) - returns the enchanted item most recently created with a sigil stone during the current game session

(ref) GetLastSigilStoneCreatedItem

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