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Multiple Marriage Mod


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Background: Currently there is a "Multiple Marriage Mod" https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8589 that seems to be outdated/not working. It would seem that mod author has left the project. It is also incompatible with Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions. Using this mod is a bit of a risk.


Request: To create a working multiple marriage mod that is compatible with multiple hearthfire adoptions and Amazing Follower Tweaks.


Details: The original mod that is in nexus has a good concept, however it's the bugs that make it worth not using. The idea would be after you marry you would be able to marry again.


Additional fine points would be to choose your spouses home and have your children interact with them. With multiple hearthfire adoptions (MHA), you could have 1 spouse with 1 home and 2 children and another spouse in a different home with 2 children.


An idea would be that you would speak to maramal to have another wedding but he would request for you to pay a tithe to allow this. Or another idea would be to obtain written permission from a priest at the temple of dibella to allow another marriage.


I will definitely leave it up to the mod author for the creativity on how to achieve additional marriages, these were just some ideas.


Thank You

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Well... because of all great follower mods, I am with you guys, but Skyrim marriage system sucks...

it needs a lot of polishing, and lots of work from experienced moders team so it won't be breaking follower mods with marriage features.

And marriage additions in Skyrim is blank, what features it adds? A ring, ceremony and random responses...

To fix that, it will need to reconsider all vanilla "marrigable" NPCs, relationships, event itself... which is just too much, and just a tip...


Other variant could be to make a new land with a castle or big mansion (all stuff around like town and other quest is good edition, but hard to do), and a new marriage system, more like a harem, to be like pokemons "collect them all" type of thing, so Dovakiin can "collect" and "marragable" NPCs and followers to the mansion, which will have a counter and a crazy limit of 20-50 allowed NPCs... like old mods for recruiting blades, so each NPC will have own schedule or even a room then in the mansion, and can be send to it.

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  • 1 year later...
Too bad that the base Skyrim SE/AE game has such limited marriage support. In the past I tried console commands with disappointing results. It would be nice if a seasoned software/programmer would tackle the issue and not try to make the mod complicated. I think Bethesda misses a great opportunity in their new releases. I believe fixing this issue would add some well needed new life to the game and open up some more marketing options for them.
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