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Just updated and got a nice suprise (what?!)


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So I brain-farted out and started F4SE without running steam first which, of course, started the latest update I've been nicely avoiding for the past week or so.


I'd moved all the CC crap out of my game files a while ago with the intention that, if and when I decided to update, I'd move it all back so Steam wouldn't have to redownload it. (Then I'd ditch it all over again.)


But the update was faster than expected and, when it was done, I looked at my FO4 files and there were no CC files. Not a one.


Go figure?



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Yeah, I thought updating, verifying cache, or starting from the steam launcher (which you have to do sometimes with FO4Edit when it gets a registry error), with those files missing would result in their download. Really surprised that the update didn't do that - very mysterious but, hey, saves me the trouble of deleting them. I was actually pretty happy when I saw that although I guess it might bork any buying CC stuff (oh no!).

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Hm, I got these two files with the update:

ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor - Main.ba2

ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor - Textures.ba2

I had all the cc crap deleted before, and only these two got restored.

Oops, I stand corrected. Those 2 files are (er, were) indeed in my data folder. Still surprised that the older stuff didn't get restored but, yeah, I missed those 2.

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Now I am a bit confused. I thought the way to avoid the newest update (at least until all mods that rely on F4SE have themselves been updated) was to run the game straight from F4SE rather than Steam.

Correct, except that you have to start Steam first i.e not to run the game, but just so that it runs its initialization etc and then opens and you see your game library (assuming the library view is how you've set it up). Then close Steam (or not I guess - doesn't matter) and start the game from F4SE. I used to wonder why I'd get updated even though I was running from F4SE and had "update only on game launch" selected, but then I read a post in another thread that pointed this out. This last time (and previous times where I couldn't figure out why I was getting ninja-updated) I plum forgot and ran from the F4SE launcher as soon as my computer booted up.

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