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Any idea about new scripting functions in .64?


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Some of the paid mods imply actual new features, which should be useable to anyone. For example:


"Build your own arcade with custom upright arcade cabinets for each holotape game including Red Menace, Atomic Command, Pipfall, Grognak the Barbarian and the Ruby Ruins, Zeta Invaders and Automatron."


That reminded me of this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10597


There, you just build terminals with the holotape pre-installed. I looked into the whole thing once, and found no way to do it any other way. This would mean, there is now some sort of a PlaySwfInTerminal() function? The source zip file has changed during the update, but I couldn't find anything like that in there. Though I wouldn't be too surprised if bethesda keeps CC functions hidden.


Or are the CC things actually just terminals with holotapes, too?

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I haven't looked into this at all, so I could be 100% wrong, but I'm sure that these are just new art assets made into terminals that have the holotapes built in.


And Bethesda can't keep CC functions hidden, so no worries about that.

Edited by Reneer
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I haven't looked into this at all, so I could be 100% wrong, but I'm sure that these are just new art assets made into terminals that have the holotapes built in.


And Bethesda can't keep CC functions hidden, so no worries about that.

No, I've watched some youtube video where some guy bought that stuff. You activate it, get somewhat zoomed to the screen, and only have the option to exit on the lower screen border.


It could actually be something different alltogether, like furniture where the swf is hardcoded into the nif somehow. Would be interesting to look into the files, but I'm not spending money on it.

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Figured it out. It's the keyword TerminalEmbeddedHolotape.


However, building terminals which contain holotapes no longer seems to work. They are created without the holotape. I used placeatme to spawn the terminal, and that worked.

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The Arcade script checks to see if the cabinet has the holotape - if not, it adds it to the inventory when the player activates the arcade cabinet. Basically a simple call to OnActivate and a register to OnMenuOpenCloseEvent to check when the player activates / leaves the cabinet.

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OnMenuOpenCloseEvent or OnExitFurniture? Probably the former, the latter will probably be triggered by NPCs as well. On the other hand, where's the harm in that?


Fun fact: if you don't remove the holotape and scrap the terminal, both you and the workshop get a copy of the holotape.


edit: OnExitFurniture doesn't actually work

Edited by pra
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