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33mb Save Game Bloat


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Can anyone help me fix this? I really really don't wanna have to start all over (lvl 52). Just for the hell of it I started a new toon just to check the papyrus log and it was same as my main character, with or without mods... how in the heck? :blink:


Is there any kind of save game editor/fixer or some other manual way I can fix this, I've went back to a save from about 4 days which was 9mb and if I set the timescale to let's say, 30000 and wait a few minutes, the save file jumps up to like 20+ mb.


There is some kind of script error happening behind the scenes causing this bloat which is causing a ton of lag/stuttering whilst playing.


Surely someone has encountered this before and know's a way to fix this.. or maybe one of my mods is causing it?? Or the newest skyrim update?





Extended Colors.esm




SoS - The Dungeons.esp

SoS - The Wilds.esp




Crimson Tide - Blood.esp



Lanterns Of Skyrim - Around Cities.esp

Lanterns Of Skyrim - Bridges x2 - OnOff.esp


Mart's Savegame DeBloatifier.esp



WiS IV - Heroes & Villains Easy.esp


Dragonbone Weapons.esp



FF7 Bustersword.esp

FF7 Masamune & Souba.esp



Smithing Perks Overhaul - Balanced.esp

Weapons and Armor fixes.esp

Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp

Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.esp

WiS IV - Dark Rainbow II.esp

WiS IV - Npc Heal other & resurrect.esp

WiS IV - Waters Wars.esp




AT - Progressive Damage (BS and CCO).esp


AT - Faster Arrows Improved +100%.esp


Better Dynamic Snow.esp

Headbomb's Better Sorting - Spells.esp

Headbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (PseudoVanilla).esp

Headbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Normal Weight).esp

Headbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Light Weight).esp

Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp

Headbomb's Better Sorting - Books.esp

Headbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp

Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp



WATER - Get Wet.esp



Skyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets.esp


dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp



Better Followers - SBP.esp

Better Followers - Dialogue.esp

Better Follower Improvements.esp

Better NPC - Faction Pack.esp

Horses for followers.esp

Extended Colors - Less Selection.esp


Vision Lighting.esp

WiS IV - Race.esp

WiS IV - Blood Coins Normal.esp

Bashed Patch, 0.esp


HELP :confused:

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Ahh, I'm having the same problem as you.


This only started happening after I updated my Skyrim to version 1.5... I get random 1 second spike lags, happens about every 40 seconds or so. And my save files keep getting larger the longer I play the game. It got to the point where my saving time takes about 10-25 seconds!


I tried toning down graphic enhancements mods, tried mods that tones down bloated saves, mods that cuts down on dead body timers, even lowered my shadow settings to virtually none.. and still my game feels broken. (I experimented on a new save game too and this trend also happened with that new character!) The thing is, I shouldn't be even changing anything graphics wise since my pc can handle ultra settings with enb before this 1.5 patch.


(I also tried the method suggested by Morwyn and it didn't work)


So it looks like I'm gonna have to uninstall and reinstall my mods again, then rollback to Skyrim 1.4.27. Then go from there.. its gonna have to wait till tomorrow since I'm too sleepy x.x and I've already wasted my whole weekend trying to figure out this problem.

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Here's a pic of my current load order list:






Read order from left to right.

Edited by Scepth
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It's seem it's not the only game they have this problem, i remember the game...,civilization V have the same probleme in the beginning, the save game growth so more then the game crash, it's the same thing they happen, it's like if more game have the same thing, but in civ V they have succest to patch it..., they have other game too but i do not remember. Edited by AngeGardien
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I'm going to post my findings and progress here. So far, I did a clean uninstall of all my mods from Nexus mod manager. I saved on a new slot and it went down from 41mb > 4mb.


(Keep in mind that I haven't rolled back my Skyrim, its still on patch 1.5.26)


*Installed Skyrim Monster mod and Occupy Skyrim, then activated my Deadbody + Spawn timers, and Possessive corpse esp.

Result: No lag or stuttering. No bloated save either. So my suspicions of those 2 big mods corrupting my saves are false.


I'm gonna move over to the essential mods now like Sky UI, Immersive HUD, Better Sorting, Categorized favs etc..


So my re-install plan would go:


-Essentials + Interface mods

-Global / game changing mods

-HD textures and Environmental graphic enhancements

-Mods that modify animations

-Hair mods

-Skin + texture replacers

-New armors and weapons


Hopefully I'll find whatever it is thats bloating up my saves. It could be something thats not compatible with patch 1.5

Edited by Scepth
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So...the only way to fix this...is to re install that said missing mods again...or re install the game cleanly ( without any mods )?


yes, or to make new game install the mod and never uninstall and never make update, because some file change name, until the bethesda fit it, or a moddler they can make a small mod they can delete always all the string named file not found and other thing they are relayed to the bad entries...


but peharp "Sbire" can say more on this, they can open it whit papyrus, so peharp in this they have a command they can make it fast style "find all" and "not found", or "missing", and delete it and close the save, but i don't know this program...



So basically, the fault is poor programming on Beth's side.


Ok so correct me if I'm wrong on this. From my understanding, the problem occurs when you uninstall, reinstall, or update mods. Previous mods, leaves unwanted strings and traces causing the save games to "bloat".


To quote AngeGardien, a possible/temporary solution to this is start a clean save or a new game. And do not uninstall mods or make updates.. (seems kind of harsh but manageable)


It kinda sucks, playing the game with this feeling of constraint. >.<

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yes it's bad for people, the save game keep all the string, so more mods you have wilk make more string in the savegame, and more you advance in the game more string of the thing are added to the savegame too, ect..., to be more clear, it's like a house, you begin whit an empty house, and you put some stuff day after days, (tv, chair and all..., the time pass you enter other thing, now you have 5 tv, a table whit 6 chair, all the room are full, ect..., now try to imagine if you cannot put out of your house the old thing they are broken whit the time, the garbage, always add and never make anything going out, you will finish by put thing on table, on fllor, on the bed, and when you want to go to the bed they are already full of stock, continue the story like this and you will undestand what your computer live Ha Ha Ha...
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