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I am having issues trying to make statics not disappear. My issues are weird... to me anyway. I have changed the landscape of tamreil in some areas and added some custom architecture. My issue is that some of the statics (mine and vanilla) do not load at long distances, and sometimes will disappear after you enter the area, leave, and reenter. the vanilla statics at a distance show up as the origional, only when you move close do they change to the new landscape. my custom architecture only shows up when close, then disappears later intermittently as stated above. How can I fix this issue? I just plane dont know what to do.... everything I tryed to find out on my own doesnt pan out.
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Beyond a certain distance (3 cells in any direction by default) objects are NOT drawn, instead the game engine draws what is called LOD which is a low res view that was generated after the landscape etc was created. There are only 2 ways I know of to make your own objects appear at a longer distance.


1) change the .ini setting uGridsToLoad=5 (this is the defailt value (5x5 cell grid loaded with you in the middle one), increasing this vaule will have a MAJOR impact on performance. Fr more details I would suggest reading the NVIDIA Skyrim tweak guide.

2) regenerate the LOD, which (even if it worked, I think the Skyrim option to do so is broken) would likely take in excess of 168 Hours to generate. Yes I said 168 Hours or one week minimum, according to a quote from Bethesda about FO3's Capitol wasteland, Skyrim is bigger.


As for the large objects sometimes not appearing close up. Open up the large objects reference window by double clicking on it in the render window and set the "IsFullLOD" checkbox. This is a known bug.

Edited by flobalob
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I did find one "tutorial" on how to create object LOD, but it didnt work... It came from the creation kit wiki. So, are there anyother ones out there that anyone knows about? Maybe even a FO3 one lol?


Time is non-issue on a workaround for the CKs shortcommings... although an "easy button" would be prefered lol


i already have almost 2 months invested and if i cant get this LOD sorted out, all my work is worthless.... al those baseball games of my kids' i missed because of me looking for CK workarounds....

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